Overnight Respite
Overnight Respite (OVR) provides a secure and supervised environment for youth diagnosed with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) to stay overnight in a licensed facility. This service offers families a reliable short-term alternative living arrangement, ensuring that their loved ones receive continuous care and support.
Elmy’s Family Support services and Respite care give essential breaks to parents and primary caregivers of youth diagnosed with developmental disabilities, offering them a chance to rest, enjoy leisure activities, or catch up on personal tasks. During these breaks, skilled professionals take care of the youth either at home or in another secure environment.

Safe and Supportive Overnight Care
Overnight Respite offers a dependable solution for families seeking short-term overnight care for their loved ones diagnosed with developmental disabilities, providing peace of mind that their family member is in a safe, licensed, and continuously supervised facility.
Usage Limit
Families can utilize Overnight Respite services for up to 30 nights within a rolling 351-day period, subject to availability.
This provides families with flexibility in planning and using the service as needed, ensuring that their loved ones receive consistent and reliable care.
Safe and Licensed Facilities
Overnight Respite services are provided in state-licensed facilities that offer round-the-clock supervision and care.
This ensures that individuals diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities are in a safe and supportive environment, receiving the necessary attention and care from qualified professionals.
The youth’s family is responsible for arranging transportation to and from the Overnight Respite facility.
No additional funds over the posted rate will be provided for transportation, ensuring that the primary focus remains on the quality of care provided within the facility.
Facility Requirements
To ensure the highest standards of care, Overnight Respite services must be provided in facilities that are licensed by relevant state departments (Department of Health, Department of Children and Families, DHS).
Services cannot be provided in hotels or any unlicensed facilities, maintaining the integrity and safety of the care environment.

Eligibility Criteria for Respite Services
The individual is eligible for Respite Services if:
The individual is deemed eligible for CSOC developmental disability (DD) services.
The individual is under the age of 21 and will not turn 21 before the end of the dates selected for respite services.
The individual resides at home with a caregiver.
The individual is aged 4 to under 21 years old
Register with your Child's Cyber ID
How to Know if Your Child or Loved One is DD-Eligible
In order to get your child's Cyber ID Number, please follow the steps below:
You will need the individual’s Cyber ID
Number in order to apply for our respite program.
The goal of Elmy's Respite Service is to help maintain the highest possible level of physical, emotional, and social well-being for each individual.
For DD Eligible Children